Understanding System Pressure


The Device & Platform

Union Water treats and supplies water to 65,000 people in Kingsville, Leamington, and parts of Lakeshore and Essex. The water network consists of a treatment plant, booster pumping station, reservoir and four elevated tanks. Within the network Union Water has installed 26 flow meters, as well as 20 hydrant.AI pressure monitoring units. Each of the four municipalities operate as individual zones with interconnections in place in case of an emergency. The system is operated by the Ontario Clean Water Agency, and the hydrant.AI system was deployed to provide greater insight into the distribution system pressures.

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Pump Station Assessment

Location: City of London, Canada
Population: 405,000
Purpose: Transient Mitigation

The operation of pumping stations can significantly impact the asset life of distribution systems and the amount of leakage in a system. Distribution systems are best maintained at consistent water pressures with minimal pressure spikes. Large and rapid swings in pressures are known to damage water systems and over time cause failure of watermains. Even before a watermain fails from these large swings in pressure, leakage at joints begins to increase as the transient events start to loosen the joints.

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