Combating Leaks with Innovative Monitoring

By Stan Fong, Ph.D

As Canada’s drinking water infrastructure continues to age, the prevalence of leaks and the challenges that they pose on utilities also increases proportionally.

When it comes to large leaks, there are many effective solutions available for locating these leaks in a system, including traditional leak surveys and correlator technologies, which try to listen for these leaks through the pipe wall or surrounding soil. Smaller leaks, on the other hand, are often too quiet to be captured by these methods.

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Smart Hydrants Produce Excellent Results in Identifying Leaks


Identifying the Problem: Non-Surfacing Leaks

The City of Hamilton Water System provides water to 535,000 residents and several surrounding city centers. The Woodward treatment facility produces 900,000 m3/day (200 MGD) servicing 144,683 service connections distributing through 2,031km (1,262 miles) of water mains.  

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Long Running Leak


Identifying Costly Non-Surfacing Leaks

The City of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada is responsible for the distribution of water to over 137,000 customers within the Regional Municipality of Waterloo. The distribution system is divided into 7 areas, with over 441km (275mi) of watermains. Non-surfacing leaks can add up to big money very quickly.

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Global tech disruptors announce collaborative bid to tackle water loss

June 14, 2022

Two disruptive technologies are working together to forge an open data response to global water insecurity.

Software firm FIDO Tech, whose AI is the world’s first to accurately size and locate hidden water leaks, has teamed up with Digital Water Solutions (DWS) whose autonomous monitoring platform uses novel in-hydrant sensing technology to gather enhanced leak data.

Together the two companies believe they can seriously advance progress on fixing the near one third of world water which is lost through leaks.

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